Today finds ACAR member rescues facing a new challenge – our rescues are experiencing a LARGE influx of Akitas in rescue, and we desperately need fosters and donations. We are taking these dogs as a result of a breeder shutdown. We have 36 dogs now (including 19 puppies) and anticipate up to 45 more in the coming days. All from a single location.

All of the dogs will need veterinary care – vaccinations, some may require treatment for heartworm or parasites, and all of the adults will need to be spayed or neutered. The cost is staggering.

Most of all we need somewhere for these dogs to go. Right now fosters all over the eastern US would be most helpful, but we will probably transport dogs west as fosters and transportation become available.

Please help our rescues give these dogs a new leash on life! They need all of us now more than ever.

Donate via our website:


Donate via Paypal

Please contact your nearest rescue and find out what they need: Akita Rescue Mid-Atlantic Coast, Akita Rescue Society of Florida, Big East Akita Rescue, Georgia Akita Rescue Division, Midwest Akita Rescue Society, Namaste Akita Rescue Alliance, Rakki-Inu Akita Rescue, South West Akita Tactical Rescue

A few photos follow. We will add more as frequently as possible.

Long Coat Momma “Holly” and her eight puppies. Currently in foster care with Carla Boyd.
Young male “Kenji”

And remember – if you have a little extra room in your heart and home, fostering is a great way to support rescue. Be a Lifesaver!